Forward head posture
Forward head posture occurs when the neck moves forward, placing the head further in front of the shoulders rather than directly above. We do this daily whilst checking our mobiles, typing on a laptop even slouching in a chair to watch television. In time this can create many muscular imbalances. It can also create stress on the spine, ligaments, discs and joints.
Every inch that the head is held forward in poor posture adds an additional 10 pounds of weight which is felt on the cervical spine. Just one or two inches can double or triple the load.
What is good neck posture?
Good neck posture starts with the ears positioned directly above the shoulders, with the chest open and shoulders back. In this neutral position stress on the neck is minimised because the heads weight is naturally balanced on the cervical spine.
Painful muscle imbalances
Muscles in the neck and upper back must continually overwork to counterbalance the pull of gravity on the forward head. As a result, muscles become more susceptible to painful strains and spasms, chronic tightening and weakening of the muscles. Forward head posture is often accompanied by forward (hunched) shoulders and a rounded upper back, which can lead to more muscular imbalances causing pain in the neck, upper back and shoulders.
Forward head posture and muscle pain symptoms
General soreness, a dull achy pain may spread across the side or back of the neck, as well as into the upper back, shoulders and head.
Intense pain, if a muscle is strained or goes into spasm, it can result in tightness and a sharp burning pain
Trigger point pain, this pain involves tender spots in muscles that can become even more painful when touched. Trigger points are especially common along the back of the neck.
Muscle tightness, muscles can become inflamed and tight due to being overworked, injury or trigger point pain. Due to pain and reduced muscle function, the neck may become stiff or less mobile.
Long term effects of forward head posture muscle imbalances

Over time, forward head posture can put increasing amounts of stress on the neck and other areas of the body. Some long-term effects can include.
The muscles become chronically imbalanced in the neck, upper back, shoulders and chest can become shortened and tight, whereas others can become elongated and weak causing painful muscles, spasms, trigger points and stiffness.
Reduced mobility. With increased stiffness in the muscles and joints, the neck's range of motion is decreased.
How massage therapy can help
Massage therapy can really aid an improvement in forward head posture, you will feel pain relief and much less tension within a few sessions. Using massage therapy to loosen the tight muscle groups will in turn reduce pain, spasms and trigger points, creating a more balanced healthier environment that will aid your body's healing, and over time achieve much better muscular and postural balance.